New in 2.7

30. September 2016

Changes to /api/roles

It is now possible to fetch a list of roles for which a given competence is defined as either mandatory or optional


New API points:

  • POST /api/files
  • GET /api/search
  • GET /api/competencegroups/:id/roles
  • GET /api/competencegroups/:id/competencegroups_related_for_role
  • PUT /api/persons/:id/roles
  • DELETE /api/persons/:id/roles
  • PUT /api/orders
  • GET, POST, PUT /api/persontravelinformation

New types:

  • PersonTravelInformation
  • TravelInformation

Changes in API:

  • New parameter for GET /api/personcompetences: "history"
  • New parameter for POST /api/personevents: "mode"
  • New parameter for GET /api/events: "user_check"

Changes in types:

  • Added "fullname" to Person simple view
  • Added "history" to PersonCompetences simple/full view. Indicates that historic objects exist.
  • Added "organisations" and "roles" to Person full view
  • Added "user_file_upload_allowed" and "user_file_upload_date_limit" to Event full view
  • Added "user_file_upload_allowed" and "user_file_upload_date_limit" to PersonEvent full view
  • Added "category" to Competence full view
  • Added "competence_category" to Event full view

New in 2.6

  • New type Duration
  • New attributes for Event:
    • host_name
    • host
    • external_sign_on
    • payment
    • payment_types
    • durations
    • certificates_url
  • New attributes for PersonEvent:
    • confirmed
  • New attributes for Competence:
    • weight
    • durations
  • New attributes for Role:
    • organisation_ids

New in 2.5

  • Most types now have an attribute "id", which is an alias for the object's id (otherwise named "organisation_id", "person_id", etc).
  • New resource /api/categories, with corresponding type Category
  • New type CompetenceAttribute
  • New parameters for /api/competences:
    • ​term
    • category_ids
    • attribute_ids
  • ​New parameters for /api/events:​
    • term
    • cancelled
    • category_ids
    • competence_attribute_ids
    • competence_group_ids
    • location_id
  • New resource /api/locations/[location_id]/events. Returns all events for location.
  • New parameters for /api/locations:​
    • term
    • startdate
    • enddate
    • minimum_capacity
    • sw_latitude
    • sw_longitude
    • ne_latitude
    • ne_longitude
  • New attributes for Competence object:
    • min_age
    • max_age
    • prerequisites
    • prerequisites_text
    • categories
    • attributes
    • instructors
  • New attributes for Event object:
    • min_age
    • max_age
    • max_participants
    • participants_count
    • available_count
    • attributes
    • instructors
  • New attributes for Location object:
    • capacity
    • description
    • latitude
    • longitude
  • New attributes for Person object:
    • fullname (simply firstname + lastname)